Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

Index of marine notices

A marine notice provides important safety related information, general guidance and details about upcoming changes to legislation to the shipping and maritime community.

Marine notices have no legal standing. All current marine notices are listed below.

A marine notice that does not appear here is not current and may contain information which is no longer applicable.

You can subscribe to receive email notifications when new marine notices are introduced.

Current marine notices

Marine notice numberTitleCategoryFormat
2024/09Voyage Planning and Execution within Planned Navigation CorridorsSafety of navigationPDF PDF525.12 KBHTML
2024/08Planned maintenance on shipsSafety equipmentPDF PDF150.82 KBHTML
2024/07Access to shore leave for seafarersOccupational health and safetyPDF PDF201.39 KBHTML
2024/06Engine power limitations on ships in coastal pilotage areasMiscellaneousPDF PDF244.2 KBHTML
2024/05Fuel Isolation for multi-engine installationsSafety equipmentPDF PDF410.4 KBHTML
2024/04Transportation of plastic pellets in freight containersEnvironmentPDF PDF181.55 KBHTML
2024/03Testing and inspection of oil filtering equipment approved to meet Resolution MEPC.107(49)Safety equipmentPDF PDF676.58 KBHTML
2024/02Limitation of sulphur emissions from cruise vessels while at berth in Sydney HarbourEnvironmentPDF PDF173.89 KBHTML
2024/01Reduction of underwater radiated noise (URN) from shippingEnvironmentPDF PDF142.71 KBHTML
2023/07Guidance for the safe carriage of battery powered vehicles on shipsCargoesPDF PDF632.72 KBHTML
2023/06Means of embarkation and disembarkation from ships in portOccupational health and safetyPDF PDF258.65 KBHTML
2023/05Receiving Maritime Safety Information (MSI)Safety of navigationPDF PDF148.95 KBHTML
2023/04Pilot transfer arrangementsSafety equipmentPDF PDF1.07 MBHTML
2023/02VHF marine radios with digital selective calling capability— automatic channel switchingSafety of navigationPDF PDF120.22 KBHTML
2023/01A Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) in the Australia and New Zealand regionSafety of navigationPDF PDF347.05 KBHTML
2022/14Ensuring navigation bridge visibilitySafety of navigationPDF PDF155.98 KBHTML
2022/13Guidance document for the recording operations in the oil record book part IEnvironmentPDF PDF128.79 KBHTML
2022/12Requirements for the use of exhaust gas cleaning systems in Australian watersEnvironmentPDF PDF150.44 KBHTML
2022/09Cessation of printed nautical publicationsSafety of navigationPDF PDF122.49 KBHTML
2022/07Under Keel Clearance Management (UKCM) in Torres StraitSafety of navigationPDFHTML
2022/06Coastal pilotageSafety of navigationPDF PDF221.89 KBHTML
2022/04Safe handling of hatch coversOccupational health and safetyPDF PDF193.14 KBHTML
2022/02Proper stowage and securing of cargo containersPort state controlPDF PDF681.66 KBHTML
2022/01MARPOL Annex V (Garbage) DischargesEnvironmentPDF PDF200.29 KBHTML
2021/08Electronic Chart Display and Information SystemsSafety of navigationPDF PDF205.91 KBHTML
2021/07Responsible Navigational PracticesSafety of navigationPDF PDF226.56 KBHTML
2021/06Fatal accidents from falling off pilot ladders on shipsOccupational health and safetyPDF PDF186.43 KBHTML
2021/05SanctionsMiscellaneousPDF PDF202.89 KBHTML
2020/08Working at heightOccupational health and safetyPDF PDF161.38 KBHTML
2020/01Fatal accidents caused by moving elevators on shipsOccupational health and safetyPDF PDF196.25 KBHTML
2018/05Pre-loading cargo information for livestock vesselsCargoesPDF PDF333.65 KBHTML
2018/04High pressure fire-fighting systems—Design safeguards against personal injuryOccupational health and safetyPDF PDF284.34 KBHTML
2018/02Electronic Visual Distress SignalsMiscellaneousPDF PDF45.12 KBHTML
2017/13Ship accommodation ladders with unapproved secondary means of support arrangementsOccupational health and safetyPDF PDF87.71 KBHTML
2017/12Operation and maintenance of rescue boat outboard motorsPort State controlPDF PDF176.36 KBHTML
2016/18Danger with the use of weighted heaving lines Occupational health and safetyPDF PDF300.78 KBHTML
2015/15Free-fall lifeboat safetySafety equipmentPDF PDF201.18 KBHTML
2015/07Piracy and armed robbery against shipsMaritime securityPDF PDF645.47 KBHTML

Recently cancelled marine notices

Marine notice numberTitle
2023/03Access to shore leave for seafarers
2022/10Planned maintenance on ships
2022/11Biofouling and in-water cleaning
2022/05Focused inspection campaign – Hours of work and rest
2021/09Focused inspection campaign—planned maintenance
2021/04Focused inspection campaign—safety of navigation
2021/03Application of the Bunkers Convention in Australia
2021/02Requirements for the use of exhaust gas cleaning systems in Australian waters and reporting to AMSA
2021/01Focused inspection campaign—livestock ships
2020/10Updated: Temporary arrangements for the maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers during COVID-19 pandemic
2020/09STCW seafarer certificates and certificates of medical fitness—further arrangements for COVID-19
2020/07Closure of the Inmarsat Fleet 77 service
2020/06Reducing the risk of collisions at sea
2020/05Focused inspection campaign—Proper stowage and securing of cargo containers
2020/04Maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers during COVID-19 pandemic
2020/03Shutdown of AMSA’s differential global positioning system (DGPS) service
2020/02Extension of standards of training certification and watchkeeping (STCW) certificates
2019/04Implementation of the 1 January 2020 low sulphur fuel requirement
2019/03Pilot transfer arrangements
2019/02Responsible navigation practices
2019/01Global Positioning System Rollover week—06 April 2019
2018/03Proper stowage of cargo containers
2017/15Transfer operations at sea and in coastal waters
2017/14Fitness for duty
2017/09Bi-fouling and in-water cleaning
2017/08Australia’s position on de-harmonising of the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate in relation to Ballast Water Management Convention compliance
2017/07Guidance on ECDIS for ships calling at Australian ports
2017/06Official nautical charts
2017/05Regulations for air emissions from ships
2017/04MARPOL Annex V discharges
2017/03MARPOL Annex V garbage record book
2016/20AMSA's approach to STCW Convention amendments due to take effect 1 January 2017
2016/19Maintenance and adjustment of magnetic compasses
2016/17Maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers
2016/16New IMO-adopted traffic separation schemes off the south-west coast of Australia
2016/15Minimising the risk of ships colliding with cetaceans
2016/14Revalidation of Certificates of competency and Certificates of proficiency
2016/12Asbestos on ships
2016/11Bridge Resource Management (BRM) and expected actions of bridge teams in Australia pilotage waters
2016/10International delivery of domestic commercial vessels and near coastal vessels operating overseas
2016/09Vessel-helicopter operations (see Marine order 57 - Helicopter operations)
2016/07Perpetual Certificates of proficiency as rating and safety training
2016/06Application of the bunkers convention in Australia
2016/05Ensuring adequate waste reception facilities
2016/04Emergency towage capability
2016/03Under Keel Clearance Management System
2015/19Use of pilot ladders
2015/18Failure of lifting wire ropes
2015/17New and revised charges for AMSA Services
2015/14Reducing the risk of collisions at sea
2015/13Establishment of Virtual AIS Aid to Navigation in Torres Strait
2015/11Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping
2015/10Coastal pilotage
2015/09Guidance document for the recording operations in the Oil Record Book Part I
2015/08Use or carriage of heavy grade oils in the Antarctic
2015/05Quick guide—Navigation through the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait
2015/04Application of wreck removal convention
2015/03Directions and refusal of access to Australian Ports
2015/02Refurbished ‘HAMMAR’ hydrostatic release units (HRU)
2014/17Sound navigational practices
2014/13Means of embarkation and disembarkation from ships in port
2014/12Recovery of persons from the water
2014/08Vessel traffic services in Australia
2014/06In-transit fumigation of ships cargoes
2014/05Pressure vessel systems—response to fatal accident
2014/03Anchoring off Australian ports
2014/02AMSA inspectors entering lifeboats
2013/15Vessel traffic services—responsibilities of Authorities providing VTS
2013/12Evaluation and replacement of lifeboat release and retrieval systems
2013/09Application of the Navigation Act 2012
Last updated: 22 January 2025